Monday, January 28, 2008


"I holding him, Mommy."

Even super heroes can make some time to play with thier little brothers

I never met a bottle I didn't like

When Avery was born, 7lbs 7oz, red hair and blue eyes, Kevin jokingly asked me whose baby he was. We were both 8+lb babies and although we have traced the red hair to both sides of the family, we're still not sure who has blue eyes on Kevin's side of the family. For the past three years I have been taking Avery for his check ups and he lingers around the 50th percentile for both height and weight. A friend of Kevin's at work told him that her boys doubled their height from their 2 year check up. At 2 years Avery was 32 inches tall, making him 5' 4" when he finishes growing. (Again, Kevin begs the question).

Then came baby Jake. All through my pregnancy the doctor warned me he was going to be big. After all, I gained 50lbs and was sure that at least 20lbs had to be baby weight (and not on my butt where I did actually gain 20lbs). And then he came out, 7lbs 2oz, even smaller that Avery. And then he didn't want to eat in the hospital and I thought, here we go again. So after a month of nursing trouble we decided to try a bottle and boy, did he ever like it. Ever since he has been an eating machine and has been growing like crazy. I took him for his 2 month check up last week and he weighed 13lbs, 4 oz. The doctor proudly proclaimed him 90th percentile, up from just 25th percentile when he was born!

Today I brought out some of Avery's 6-12 month clothes and decided to try some on the baby. I found an outfit that Avery was wearing when he first pulled himself up to standing at daycare, around 7 or 8 months. It fits Jake perfectly. So, Kevin finally got has his little big man!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Green my favorite

In case you haven't heard, green is Avery's favorite color. If he has the choice he will always pick green over any other color (balloons, gummy bears, shirts, etc). I wasn't sure why he likes green so much until he brought home is daycare blanket last Thursday for the weekend......

When Avery turned one and moved to the toddler room at daycare, Kevin decided he did not need his blankies anymore and stopped letting him take them into school. (I guess he is weirded out that I still sleep with my baby blanket occassionally). Anyway, Avery's daycare teachers gave him this piece of green leopard print flannel fabric and he has been attached to it ever since. I tried to tell Kevin that sometimes karma works against you. Like last night, Kevin yelled at Avery for taking his hat and mittens off in the car. A little while later he asked him for a kiss goodnight and Avery turned around and stuck his butt in Kevin's face. I guess that's what you get!!

The Ketchup Incident

People ask me all of the time how I am doing with the new baby. I tell them that Baby Jake is fine, its Avery that is my problem. I'm not sure why I thought it was okay to leave a ketchup bottle alone with a 2 1/2 year old for more than 3 seconds. And I don't know why I didn't notice his mischevious giggles from the other room. I can only blame it on lack of sleep. Apparently Ketchup tastes really good on pears, broccoli, carrots and even in yogurt (in additon to chicken nuggets). It also doubles as a excellent hair gel and is good for decorating white turtlenecks, walls, windows and floors.