Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Baby Jake is 6 months old!

Baby Jake has his 6 month check up this morning. It was a crazy morning because both of the boys were up last night and very early this morning and then at the last minute Avery begged to come to the doctor with us instead of going to school. I told him he could but only if he let the doctor and I have an adult conversation (something he doens't allow Kevin and I to do at the dinner table). Of course Jake fell asleep in the car on the way to the doctor. He was up at 5 today and the 8 am appointment really interfered with his potential nap. Avery was really good, only interjecting once to tell the doctor that he thinks his Big George back pack is growing because the nurse let us weigh him and he weighs 1.2 lbs and also to show off his new Buzz Lightyear figurine that Aunt Susan sent him for his birthday. The doctor commented on Jake's stature and how much he likes to eat. So here are his stats:

19lbs 6oz (90th percentile)
28" (90th percentile)
18 1/4" Head circumference (97th percentile - at least we know he is a Santalucia!)

After 2 shots and quick trip to Babies R Us we headed home to get everyone settled so I could go to work. I left Kathy with Jake (severely overtired and irritable from his shots) screaming in his crib and Avery watching Toy Story (with his new buzz lightyear figurine in hand). I called later to check on them and Kathy said, "Jake had a really hard time going to sleep. At one point he was screaming really loud and I went in his room and found him on his tummy, and boy was he p*ssed."

My baby boy rolled over for the first time today. Happy half birthday Jake!!

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