Saturday, August 23, 2008

Why I love my little boys

I don't know what it is about little boys. They get the biggest kick out of the simplest things like squirt guns and whoopee cushions. They really make me laugh. Just when I think they can't get any funnier, they do.

This is a conversation I had in the car with my sister and her son Patrick and Avery on our last trip to Pennsylvania (Susie was driving through our old neighborhood to show the boys our childhood home):

Me: Look guys, that's where Aunt Susan and I lived when we were little.

Avery: But Mommy, your big now so you don't live in the forest anymore (there are a lot of big old trees in that neighborhood).

Avery again: Aunt Susan, you're big too.

Patrick: Yeah, and your butt is big and stinky too!

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