Friday, April 03, 2009


In February we enrolled Avery in a new preschool at a small catholic school near our house.  We don't go to church very often, it feels really hard with two little kids, so this is his first real exposure to church, God, etc.

Last night we went to a fund raiser for the school at a local pizza place.  Totally unprompted Avery said to us, "We need to say Grace before we can eat.  That's what we do at school before our snack."   

Me: "Okay, go ahead buddy."  (slightly amused)

Avery: " Dad is great.  That is good.  Thank you for the food.  Amen"  (Then sign of the cross with extra shoulder touches) "Father, Son, Holy Spirit, AMEN!"  

So I guess that is the new grace for our house.

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