Monday, October 30, 2006

Happy Halloween!

We had our neighborhood Halloween party this weekend. Here are a few pictures of Avery and his friend Reese who lives around the corner. Are these kids cute or what???

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Belly Button!

The newest body part the Avery has recently become obsessed with (besides his you know what) is his belly button. He has taken to liftly his shirt up to show everyone he knows (and some people he doesn't know) his little pot belly.

He also really likes the frog boots that Patrick gave him on our last trip to Philadelphia. They are a little big, but that doesn't stop him from wearing them. Thanks PT!

Summer Teeth

Although winter is fast approaching in Minnesota, Avery has his summer teeth coming in, some are here, some are there. In addition to his four front teeth (two top and two bottom) he now has 3 molars! Not sure if and when the rest of his front teeth are coming in ???

Friday, October 27, 2006

More pics of the twins

Nanny with Sophie
Baby Grace
Patrick in the NICU with Grace in her "Baby House"

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Here they are - Sophie and Grace Ryan

Grace Elizbeth Ryan - 3lbs, 14oz

Susie with Sophie Marie - 6 lbs, 6oz

2 sisters, one big & one little

I love Nanny's Jelly

I made it home safe and sound from Hong Kong last Thursday. I stepped off one plane and got on another one to head to Philadelphia for the weekend. We left Avery with Susie and Patrick and my parents on Friday so we could go to our friends' Kevin and Ginger's wedding in New York. I was worried that Avery would have a hard time since I had been away for so long, but by all reports he was on his best behavior while we were away. He is especially smitten by Susie's au pair Teresa and loves hanging out with his Pop Pop and his big cousin Patrick. The picture as left is of him enjoying Nanny's raspberry jelly for breakfast. Forget the toast, he just likes to lick the jelly off the bread.

I didn't get many pictures this trip because I was seriously jet lagged. We were hoping Susie's little girls would be there, but they waited until last night to make their appearance in the world. Sophie and Grace Ryan were born around 6:30pm Tuesday October 24th. Sophie weighed a hefty 6lbs 6oz while little Grace was only 3lbs 14 oz. Both were about 17" long. Susie says the girls are doing great, no issues what so ever. They are just trying to get little Grace over 4 lbs so she can go home with her sister this weekend. Hopefully Pop Pop will get some pictures posted today. As soon as he does, I will include the link.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Daddy Ladder

In search of the best apples in Minnesota we went to our third apple orchard last weekend. This one was by far the least commercial, most authentic orchard we have vistited this year. We decided to try picking our own apples which Avery absolutley loved. Actually he liked picking up the apples off the ground an throwing them while yelling, "BALL!" more than anything else. We also went for a tractor ride, complete with sound effects from Avery, picked out a pumpkin and saw some horses. The photo below is of Kevin lifting Avery up to pick the apples from the top of the tree.

In other news Avery met a cat this weekend and learned how to meow, more like - YEEEOOOWWWW! I dyed my hair red (as you can see from the pictures) and it looks ridiculous. Finally I am leaving for Hong Kong in a few minutes for 10 days. I'm very sad to be leaving my guys. Maybe I will make a posting from my trip, but then I might have to change the name of the blog to the adventures of Mini-Mooks mom!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Cheerios anyone??

Okay, this is an old one, but I wanted to give you an idea of the kinds of things that take place in the morning when Kevin and/or I are trying to get to work for an early meeting.

Mowing the lawn (with my hat on)

Hot Wheels

Avery has finally grown into the big wheel we bought him this summer. His new favorite thing is to go 2-wheeling on it all over the neighborhood. He like to take his one hand off and wave at the neighbors while we are going down the street. He also likes to wear his 'hat' while riding. Unfortunately his head is growing much faster than the rest of his body so the helmet is already too small (as you can see). He must be a Santalucia!

I'll take this one!

Here are a few pics from our weekend with Matt & Ginger and Avery's cousin Lindsay. We went to an apple orchard on Saturday. The kids had fun riding in the wagon and looking at all of the apples and pumpkins. All in all it was a great weekend with the Templetons although the cousins took turns waking up and crying on Saturday night. We were all a little bit tired on Sunday!