Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Ketchup Incident

People ask me all of the time how I am doing with the new baby. I tell them that Baby Jake is fine, its Avery that is my problem. I'm not sure why I thought it was okay to leave a ketchup bottle alone with a 2 1/2 year old for more than 3 seconds. And I don't know why I didn't notice his mischevious giggles from the other room. I can only blame it on lack of sleep. Apparently Ketchup tastes really good on pears, broccoli, carrots and even in yogurt (in additon to chicken nuggets). It also doubles as a excellent hair gel and is good for decorating white turtlenecks, walls, windows and floors.

1 comment:

ginger said...

I'm just impressed that, with a 2 month old baby, you have brocoli on his plate... Lindsay's lucky to get a stick of cheese and some bunny crackers! Ketchup or no ketchup! Ginger