Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!!

If there is such a thing, we had a perfect winter day today for Christmas eve.  A bit cold maybe, but the sun was shining and there light flurries of snow in the air.  We took the rare opportunity to go out and play for an hour or so.  We are eagerly awaiting Santa's arrival tonight.  We have been watching him on the Norad Santa tracker all day!  I think it will be an amazing day tomorrow.

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year! 

Much love,

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Baby Steps

Baby Jake took his first few steps earlier this week before Kevin left for Atlanta. He's still a little wobbly, but we'll keep practicing now that Daddy is home again.

Avery is becoming quite a back seat driver ever since I got pulled over last week. "Just watch the road Mommy!" "Just don't go to fast Mommy!" "NOOOOOO, don't sing that song! Just be quiet and watch the road Mommy!" "I'm watching the road for you Mommy!"

In other news Avery had a stomach bug yesterday. We spent most of the night running back and forth to the bathroom until he finally decided he was ready to 'spit up.' Unfortunately for me he decided to do it on the bathroom rug and floor right next to the potty instead of in the potty. At least we made it to the bathroom. Baby Steps.

He declared this morning that he is feeling better but is concerned about how Santa is going to get into our house since we don't have a chimney. We do have a chimney, but as I told Lindsay, it doesn't matter if you have a chimney or not, Santa will find you, no matter where you are.

And hopefully he will be bringing the red robot!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Why?? Why, Mommy, Why?

What a day!  We had an appointment to get Avery's teeth cleaned today and when Jake woke up from his nap early I decided to take the boys to get their haircut.  I finally had enough of people calling Jake a little girl.  So we loaded up the car and headed to the 'Hair Cut Store.'  I took a side road through a neighborhood happily singing Christmas songs to the boys when I saw police car in my rear view mirror with its lights on.  I pulled over trying not to show how angry I was that I was getting a ticket 10 days before Christmas for not noticing I was going 40 in a 30 (which I thought was 35) because I was too busy singing Christmas songs to my kids.  So, while the police officer was writing me up, this is what I heard from the peanut gallery:

Why did we have to stop Mommy?
Doesn't the police officer have to go and help some kids?  So kids whose house is on fire?

Why are you sad Mommy?

Okay mommy, you just watch the road Mommy, just watch the road.  I'm watching the road for you, okay Mommy?  

I'm just watching the road for you.  

Just watch the road Mommy, just watch the road.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Medtronic Christmas Party

Baby Jake's new attitude
Avery telling Santa he wants a Red Robot for Christmas
Photo op with Nutcracker

Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

Fridge Climbing

Baby Jake's favorite activity of late.


We went to the Children's Christmas Party at Medtronic World Headquarters today (I'll post the pictures later).  I took Avery into the ladies' room to go potty.  We managed to navigate the automatic flushers on the toliet and then when we got the sink Avery found a HUGE basket full of feminine products (clearly Medtronic is not in the midst of massive cost cutting measures like some other Twin Cities corporations that I know of).  Here's the way it went down:

Avery: Mommy I want one of those (tampons).
Mommy:  Oh Honey, those are for girls (or grils as he calls us)
Avery:  Okay, then you have one.  Get one Mommy, get one!!
Mommy:  No, Honey, I don't need one.  It's for when you are having a hard day.
Avery: (Very very serious look on his face) But, I'm having a hard day.
Mommy: (laughing)
Avery: Stop laughing!! I am having a really hard day.  I need one of those.

I hear giggling.  Out from the stall emerges a old woman dressed as Mrs. Clause.  Just enough of a distraction to navigate Avery away from the huge basket of tampons.  She just laughed and then told us she has 6 kids, 17 grand kids and 15 grandkids and she knows all about these little guys.  

We should all be so lucky.